Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, A Maximum Ride Novel by James Patterson

James Patterson calls this the best adventure story he has ever written. There's one last chance to save the world...and it's in the hands of six extraodinary kids who can fly. Only they, led by the valient Max, can stop a deadly plot to annihilate half the human population even as they're being hunted by nightmarish enemies. With mankind on the brink of destruction, Max must fight to protect those she loves, identify a traitor in her flock, and uncover a startling secret that will change ger future...if there is a future.


  1. The thrilling excitment that courses through these books makes you never want to put the book down. The twist and the turns through out the series keeps you hooked. There's action, there's adventure, sarcasm, a little drama,and there's even a little romance thrown in. I love how in these books you can't get bored. James Patterson has done a good job of throwing in an unexpected twist right as the story seems to calm down. I highly suggest to everyone that you read the whole series.

  2. So what exactly is the genre of the "Maximum Ride" serious?

  3. I can sense your enthusiasm for the through your writing, great! The book sounds like a real roller coaster!

    I'd love to hear more about how the action engages you. Do you feel like you have to keep reading because you want to find out what crazy thing will happen next? Do you ever wish the story would calm down for a moment to explore a tangent further?

    Thanks for the recommendation and I look forward to hearing more!


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