Wednesday, April 21, 2010

IT by Stephen King


So far the book is good. I have only got to page 12 so I do not know much.But it is good.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sorry I wanted to update it so that is was easy to get to.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

She's come Undone

I am reading the book "She's come Undone" by Wally Lamb. She is on Summer vacation right now. This book is about this girl named Dolores Price, who has a father who "loves her and her mom" VERY much. He hangs out with her for a whole week. Gives her a pool witch she has wanted since she was a little girl and plays around with her for the entire week. Dolores's mom is at her moms house visiting for a week. What Dolores doesn't know is that her father is going to leave her and her mom after this week. He asks all innocent and then when her father leaves (actually leaves) she wonders why he gave her everything she wanted that week. Since the father left life has been a little hectic for them. They go and live with Dolores's grandmother. After Summer vacation is over she starts back up in school. She starts back up win school. She is the 3rd smartest in her class. No one likes her. Thats all i have for now.


I am just starting to read Dragon Knight and it is getting really good because of one of the main characters just battled a big ferocious snake. I think this book connects to other dragon books because of all of the mystical creature you would find in other dragon books. I think these books connect to the book Eragon in a similar way.


Last night, I started Singularity by William Sleator. It's a bit of a sci-fi book dealing with time travel, but it's also scary. Last night, about four chapters in, I had to stop reading it because the menace of what was in this empty house actually freaked me out. At first Harry, the narrator, is terrified by everything about this old house, and describes every moment with foreboding. You expect something to leap out of the shadows at any point. After Harry and his brother get used to the house, there is another unknown that, because of its mystery and power, becomes threatening.

While I'm curious to see how this unknown power will develop, I'm annoyed by Barry, Harry's brother. His character is supposed to be annoying; part of the story is the tension between the brothers. However, he's so annoying that I don't enjoy reading about him. Maybe he'll get eaten up by a monster or something.