Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Last night, I started Singularity by William Sleator. It's a bit of a sci-fi book dealing with time travel, but it's also scary. Last night, about four chapters in, I had to stop reading it because the menace of what was in this empty house actually freaked me out. At first Harry, the narrator, is terrified by everything about this old house, and describes every moment with foreboding. You expect something to leap out of the shadows at any point. After Harry and his brother get used to the house, there is another unknown that, because of its mystery and power, becomes threatening.

While I'm curious to see how this unknown power will develop, I'm annoyed by Barry, Harry's brother. His character is supposed to be annoying; part of the story is the tension between the brothers. However, he's so annoying that I don't enjoy reading about him. Maybe he'll get eaten up by a monster or something.


  1. Josiah you're supposed to hope that they go through some life threatening scenarios and become closely bonded. HA HA

  2. I liked this book partly because of how it didn't fit convention. It didn't follow your traditional arc of brothers bonding. Characters made lots of mistakes, the guy didn't get the girl, and the brothers didn't really grow closer. It also shifted gears halfway through into this long, Walden-like philosophical part. I've read many books where everything fits neatly, and you race to the end to see how it all fits together. This book wasn't like that. It didn't all wrap up nicely, but at the same time, the twists didn't seem cheesy or forced.


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