Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I finished Hard Times. I won’t tell what happens, in case you want to read it for yourself, but I will say that it wasn’t exactly a clear-cut happy or sad ending. I will say that it is a very thought-provoking read, and well recommended for those who enjoy stories set in the Industrial Revolution. Style-wise, it reminded me vaguely of Beyond the Western Sea, a 2-volume story by Avi that was set around the same time period. However, Beyond the Western Sea was a story about an Irish brother and sister who had to emigrate to America. Hard Times - the entire book - was set in England. The two told different stories, but both of them had a common thread – they each explored different societal problems of the time period.

After finishing Hard Times, it was actually not that hard to transition to a completely different sort of book – Pearls of Lutra, the ninth book in the Redwall series. Pearls of Lutra is much cheerier and “fun” than Hard Times. It’s also one of the most exciting Redwall books I’ve ever read, perhaps the most exciting. I recall that I was also really excited about Mattimeo (another Redwall book) and The Mysterious Benedict Society (completely different from the Redwall series, by a different author). These three books may be the most exciting books I’ve ever read.


I am starting to read my new book called dragon quest. The author is Donita K. Paul and the main character is Kale. Kale is now being trained at the hall with her friend Dar, but when they got news that the Meech egg hatched and the dragon's name in Regidor.

Star trek the next generation starfreet academy worfs firstadventure

I really like book because like it I really like it but I really dont know

star wars X-wing rogue squadron

some pilots are talking to a alien pilot named Ooryl. Ooryl talks in third person it is cool

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Still More on Hard Times

Now, I’m on Part 3 of Hard Times. Part 2 ended with Mr. James Harthouse saying how much he loves Louisa. They agree to meet again at some time, but Louisa just runs home to her father’s house and has a major breakdown. For some reason, Mrs. Sparsit was watching what went on between Louisa and Harthouse. She had succeeded in whatever it was she was trying to do – sabotage Louisa’s marriage or something like that, I’m not quite sure.

So anyway, Louisa is at her father’s house, recovering, when Mr. Bounderby brings this woman named Rachael (who loves Stephen Blackpool) to her. Mr. Bounderby had just put up posters accusing Stephen (Blackpool, not the Stephen who is almost done Dragonspell!) of robbing the bank all over town, but Rachael wants to vindicate him. So she told Mr. Bounderby her version of the story. However, Mr. Bounderby wants to validate the story, so he came to Louisa (who met Rachael earlier, in Part One). Louisa confirmed the story. Stephen is supposed to come back and prove his innocence (but he hasn’t showed up yet), and that’s where I’m at right now.

Well, I’m glad I read through Part 2, so that I know what’s going on. It’s getting interesting again – I want to know what happens next! I’m on Stephen’s side, believing him to be innocent. Nowhere in the story did it say that he robbed the bank. I don’t think the story left “room” for him to do so. And he’s an honest man, anyway. But, that leaves this question…

Who robbed the bank, anyway?

star wars x-wing rogue squadron

some empirel officers are chatting

Star trek starfleet academy Worfs first adventure

I like star trek. becuse when I read it it feals like I am in a difarent world. And I like to get away from the real world some times.


My opinion of MR.TUCKET is pretty good and I can't wait to finish it so I can read the next the next book in the series I like it because it has all the quality's that a book should have.


I am almost done Dragon Spell. The author is Donita K Paul an the main character is Kale. The group made it to Ristos strong hold and there was a landslide when all of them were sleeping. So kale got split up from the group. She was trap in a cave that looked like a maze.

IT by Stephen King

I am now on page 401. The book is kind of interesting, I'm reading about the past of the main characters. IT is a little boring but King started incorporating peoples experiences with the monster. I think this book is okay but I'm not saying anyone should read it (IT). If one does read IT I recommend skipping the first 200 pages. (no Josiah I didn't) This book has not really hooked me like some books do. This book makes me feel kind of bored but then something exiting flares up and I continue to read it. (and IT) Hopefully people will start hunting the monster and there will be more action, excitement, and IT creature total mad awesomeness. (sorry I just thought that sounded funny so I put it in there)