Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Principles and Practice of Electronic Music - Yet Another Thought

As I approach the last couple of chapters in this book and leave the technical, procedural material behind, I am left with ideas on how to actually get started. I’m glad I decided to read this book, because I’ve learned so much from it. Although it’s about 35 years old, many of the components used today are virtually the same in function now as they were then (with a few exceptions, especially the tape recorder). The next chapters are about form and notation, and the history of electronic music, so there aren’t going to be many procedures from now on. I’m relieved.

The Mighty

The Mighty is by Rodman Philbrick. It is a great story i think because of its loss, shame, and thoughtfulness. This is a great book in my opinion. It makes me feel like a lot of friendship and helpfulness is useful. If you want to know what it is about read it because I'm not going to tell you. Well one little detail. Characters names are Freak, and Maxwell. If you read the story you will find out why this book is called The Mighty!

Red wall

Here are some characteristics of one of my favorite characters in Red wall.
Constance bager. she is strong and fearless and obedient and nice.


in my side of the mountain a lot of photographers came and news reporter he meets his brothers and dad

IT by Stephen King

IT has finally got interesting. The parts I said were boring were when he ( Stephen King of course ) was telling about the people in the book. Anyway now I'm at more interesting parts. This book is really descriptive and I think Stephen King adds in to much detail, or as I would call it " Bad Detail ". I don't think I will drop this book because the story is good, but I think it's a waste of reading time reading about " Bad Details ". Well I dont find this book creepy anymore because the first time some one got eaten by the IT creature I for some reason had a very good image of the creature ( probably because of all the " Bad Details " ).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Brian is twelve years old he was flying to his dad when the pilot had a hart attack and the plane went crashed in the northern woods of Canada and he has been there for over 9 months and winter is coming and he is not prepared he doesn't have warm clothing or good shelter it doesn't look like he will survive.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Principles and Practice of Electronic Music - Still More Thoughts

I finally made it through the lists of procedures, but now I’m reading about tape recorders. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this book is old, and in some ways obsolete. Who uses tape recorders? Especially reel-to-reel tape recorders – the kind this book goes into detail about. I think it’s interesting from a historical perspective, but I don’t think it will be of great use to me today. Modern computer software could probably do everything the tape recorder ever could – and it could do it quicker and more efficiently. But, like I said, it’s interesting to read about these things from a book that was written back when they were in use.

I have found myself wishing there were more diagrams, so I could see what is going on. There are times where I get a bit lost, thinking; “huh?” If I ever write a text like this, I should probably include plenty of diagrams.

The next chapter is about getting started in electronic music. I want to get started and do these things for myself. I think I might need to get a working soldering iron (my last two won’t cut it), get some plans, and get going!

Of course, I should actually read that chapter first, so I have a better understanding of what to do. And before reading that chapter, I want to finish this chapter.


I am halfway done DRAGON SPELL. The author is Donita K. Paul and the main character is Kale. Kale and Dar are on there way to save Lettu bends on Celisse the dragon. Lettu bends is captured at Risto's castle.

Red wall by brian jaques

Red wall is one of the best books i have ever read becuse it is exiting.
and becuse I like made up stuf so i can get out of the reall world some times.


A news paper reporter came to do a store on the boy in the woods and the news paper person is going to come back to the cat skull to visit him in spring


Horace is riding to the planes of Uthal to tell the king that Molgaraths bridge has been destroyed. Will and Evanlyn have been captured and are being held captive bye the Skandians who are planing to take them back to Skandia and sell them as slaves but Molgarath are makeing sure that the skandians don't get away.

IT by Stephen King

I'm actually thinking about dropping this book because it's so boring. I think I will keep reading IT for a little longer in case it gets better. If it continues to be boring I will drop in one second flat. Nothing has been happening in a while and pretty much it feels like my brain is rotting out of my head. Anyway this book started out really good but then got boring after the 4th chapter. I have read other Stephen King books and they were not so bad.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Homework - Description from Book

In response to our assignment, here is a quote from Mossflower, the second installment in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques.I read this book last year, but I think I can still remember the mental image I got from this description.

“Martin was astonshed by the size of Lord Cayvear’s domain. Bat Mountpit was vast and impressive, with chasms, tunnels, streams, caves, waterfalls, and underground lakes. Lord Cayvear pointed out his tribe. Those not searching for Gonff were farming great areas of edible roots, mushrooms, and subterranean plants, while others fished the lakes.”

This description gave me visions of a vast cave with waterfalls and elevated pathways, and complex cave systems branching off from it. At the floorof the cave, I envision there to be mushrooms and various plants. For some reason, I may have imagined them to be iridescent, although I don’t recall the book saying that they were. However, the book does say elsewhere that there was a hole at the top, and a slim shaft of light shone down through it.

The funny thing about books is that they can be interpreted different ways by different people. You probably got a different mental image from that quote than I did. In my opinion, what books do is tell you what to imagine in the scene, not how to imagine it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Principles and Practice of Electronic Music - Another Thought

In the book, I am currently going through these lists of procedures. You are told which modules you need, which modules you have to connect, what controls you will be using, and a description of what you’re doing. It does get somewhat repetitive, in that some of the procedures are fairly similar. I think these lists are better “doing” material than “reading” material. I think they were written as “how-tos,” in which you read the list while actually doing these things. These lists will probably come in handy later if I actually want to use any of these modules.

I know the book moves out of lists later on, so I won’t abandon it. I’m just going to keep going – I want to know how to do these things.

A scene from Jaws

" The fish jumped up out of the water its Skin shimmering with water and gleaming in the sun. Hoopers dead body lay limply in the fishes mouth." These two sentences I can just picture in my mind so well.


Will,Horace and Evelyn have destroyed the bridge but Will and Evelyn have been captured by molgerath and his wargals Horace has escaped and is going to tell the king.


Redwall is one of the best books I have red so far and if you like tawlking animal fantesy I recamend it.


In my side of the mountain the end of the book is not as good as the beginning when he did not no what to do plus the details are not as good

IT by Stephen King

Okay IT is the first book that I have ever found remotely creepy, not scary just creepy. Anyway I'm on page 26. This book is interesting because I actually feel like I'm there not just reading about people who have really freaky messed up things going on in their life. I found this book when I was trying to reach a different Stephen King book up on the top shelf. I needed to take this one out first because they were wedged on the shelf so tight that I could not get it ( not the book IT ) out. So i took this one out and saw on the cover the word IT. I had heard from Alden that IT was really freaky ( I've only seen part of the movie ) So I decided I'd read this instead. I'm now really exited about reading the first book that creeps me out. YAY!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

redwall character mathias

Mathias is very clumsy and young every single time I read redwall he is olmost always triping on his big sandels.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Eragon was fifteen, less than a year from manhood. dark eye-brows rested above his intense brown eyes. His clothes were worn from work. A hunting knife with a bone handle was sheathed at his belt, and a buckskin tube protected his yew bow from the mist.

_I can see the fight_

Halt's second shot dropped the left-hand wargal. Will fired at the one on the right and he realized instantly that he had misjudged the wargal's speed.The arrow hissed through the space where the wargal had been a second before.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

But we do, both literally and metaphorically. Sometimes it works out (usually in the literal sense), and sometimes it doesn't (in the metaphorical). I am reading You Don't Love Me Yet by Jonathan Lethem. I ran across it in the discounted book section at Bear Pond Books. The title sounded offbeat, non-conventional, and the cover (which I don't really remember right now) grabbed my attention. I started to read the beginning, which is my way of seeing if I want to read a book, and put it on my "to find at the library list." How's this for an opening sentence? "They met at the museum to end it." A book that begins with the end of a relationship has potential. Sort of like beginning with the "happily ever after."

Part of what's keeping me hooked, besides the jaded hipness of the main characters (for reading is escapism into our dream worlds, after all), is the vivid descriptions. "She caught scent of his coffee pot, dregs charring to a shrill odor." I like the use of an auditory adjective, shrill, for an olfactory sensation, odor. Especially because burned coffee is most often described as bitter. Or this one, describing a trendy rooftop bar: "The Armpit's rooftop was like a three-dimensional magazine Lucinda browsed with her whole body." I'm not even sure what it means exactly, but it gives me the feeling of being in the presence of cooler-than-thouness (the book is set in L.A.), being the only removed observer, and being overcome with stimulation, as if all around you are models who know and adore each other and are in tune with the latest styles and successes.

This is what good writing does for me. It both puts into words what I've been thinking or suspecting and also gives me a new way to consider the world.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Principles and Practice of Electronic Music - My Thoughts

I’m currently reading Principles and Practice of Electronic Music by Gilbert Trythall, which is a non-fiction technical book, so it would be a bit difficult to give a “plot summary” of it. (As far as I know, most of you would probably not want one anyway.) I find it interesting because it combines two of my favorite things – electronics and music. Like I said, it is technical in nature, so you end up learning all these musical, acoustical, and electronic terms. These terms are in bold on the outer side of the page, a bit like the Cornell note-taking system, for those of you familiar with it. There are parts that confuse me a bit at first, but it helps that there are illustrations, so I can sort of see what’s going on. I can tell from the way it is written that it is probably a textbook of sorts, not something most people would read for fun, unless they were interested in the topic presented, which I am.

The copyright date is 1973, so it’s quite dated in some respects. (For example, it discusses phonograph cartriges and magnetic reel-to-reel tape recorders – neither of which are commonly used anymore.) However, there are parts that are still relevant to today – for example, it discusses capacitors, resistors, inductors, and other components that are still in use. But I think it’s interesting to read about older technologies, even if they’re obsolete. It’s interesting to see how they worked.

Being mostly technical, it’s largely short on abstract, ethereal ideas. However, the foreword (by no less than Robert A. Moog, a well-known authority on the subject) and the introduction do go into more philiosophical territory regarding the subject of music and aesthetics. However, from Chapter 1 to the point I’m at as I write this, it’s mostly concrete rules governing acoustics and electronics. It’s a bit strange to see these abstract, philiosophical ideas in the same book as all these concrete rules and formulas.


In my side of the mountain the boy’s dad comes to see him and metes the teacher and they get along good and after they left he made snow shoes and a mouse gets in his storage tree


I am in the middle of Dragon Spell the author of Dragon Spell is Donita K. Paul. The main character is Kale. Kale's first dragon hatch his name was Gymn, Gymn power was healing. Kale's friend Lettu was captured. Right now Kale is trying to save a dragon who is trapped in a barn with guards firing poison arrows at the dragon.

Curse of the Spellmans

In the book Curse of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz, the last part about 50 pages was about her having to go to jail. Isabel Spellman has a friend that she doesn’t know his fun name. She thinks he is lying to her because of all the research she has done on him. Mr. Brown (so he tells us) has a house right down the road from where the Spellmans live. She went over to his house for dinner and saw that a door was locked and he wouldn’t tell her why? She snuck in that night and had her cell phone on vibrate so if Mr. Brown had returned home Isabel’s sister could call her to get out. All she found was files and more files and stuff. The next day the police came over to the Spellmans and arrested Isabel because Mr. Brown left that window open and had a video camera facing around the room. They told her that she had the right to remain silent and so she did. She had spent the last 12 hours of her life in a jail cell. What the funniest way to spend twelve hours. If you want to know what happens next, stay cued in or read the book yourself. It’s called Curse of the Spellmans but this is the second book in the series. There are three books in this series. I think parts of it are very odd but others are hilarious. I hope you enjoy this book and my sayings about them.


in _RANGERS APPRENTICE_ book two Will and his best friend Horace and Evelyen are spying on the Wargals lord Molgraths evil minions which are capturing celts to build a bridge to help the Wargals get out and attack the army from the rear. If they do that all hope to win will be lost but not if Will Horace and Evelyen have anything to say about it.


Redwall is good I think that is very very good and it makes me very very hungry when I read it I think Redwall is very exiting I think it is the most exiting book I have read so far


I'm now in page 204. The reporter, Harry just found out alot of dirt about the mayor, Vaughan. Vaughan owes around 1-2 million dollars to the mafia. The only way Vaughan can get the money is by opening the beaches so people will rent houses in Amity for the summer. So Brody opens the beaches when Hooper ( shark expert ) tells him the chances of a shark being there are 1 in 100. Brody is still cautious about opening the beaches though so he posts cops all over the beaches. Another reason Brody opened the beaches was because Vaughan had been a freind before all this had happened so Brody felt bad for him so he agreed to open the beaches. After the meeting a person from the mafia comes to Brodys house when Brody's still at work. The man picks up the youngest sons, Seans cat and kills it. He leaves a note Saying "Be Subtle". I think if I was Brody I would be pretty ticked. First he fights with Vaughan who was a freind before all this. Second his family is being targeted by the mafia. It sound like this book is going to get pretty interesting soon so I'll update it as soon as I can. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I'm on page now on 184. Right now the mayor, Larry Vaughan and other important people ( unamed ) are trying to force Brody too open the beaches. Brodys' friend Harry Meadows is trying to find out why the larry is trying to force Brody to open the beaches. He found out that Larry is president of a company that is related to one of the five biggest mafia's in the city. That is as far as I've gotten. This book is finnaly getting interesting. Hopefully something really exiting will happen soon.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


When you write about what you're reading, I don't want to know what happens in your book. If I want to know what's happening, I'll read the book myself. In fact, if you think about it, you're doing the author a disservice by paraphrasing his or her writing. Novels are more than just a good story. I do want to know why you like the book, why I might like the book, what you notice about the book, what you don't like about it, or how it compares to other things you've read. That's just a start. In the second paragraph of the instructions for the literature blog are a number of suggestions:

"In your postings tell what you felt when you read a book and why. Tell what you noticed about how the author wrote. Tell why you think he or she wrote this way. Tell what you liked and didn’t and why. Tell how you read a book and why. Tell what a book said and meant to you. Tell what it reminded you of—what other books or experiences from your own life. Tell what surprised you. Ask questions or for help."

For your next posting, pick two of these commands and follow them. Also, if you have not yet, read the post "Responding as Writers." When you despair that you have nothing to say, answer the questions posed in this post.
