Friday, September 24, 2010

The Art Of Keeping Cool by Janet Lisle

This book is stated in the 1940's during the World War II. It's realistic fiction and I think that’s why I like it because it’s based on a war .The writer made me feel as if I was actually in the book. The book ended in a completely different ending then I would have expected.

Star Wars Ambush at Corella

This star wars takes place after the empire is no more. Now Han, Luke and Leia have to keep peace because there is no war. But there are five worlds that are on the brink of civil war so Han, Luke and Leia are tiring to resolve this problem.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Halo First Strike

I am reading Halo First Strike. The author is Eric Nylund. I just started the book and inside the book has lots of aliens and missions. A group called the UNSC are fighting against the covenant a alien race. I predict that a bigger threat has yet to come forth.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Geralds Game by Stephen King

This book is more of a psychological horror than a normal "Eek a monsters about to eat me!" King book. The main character is a lady named Jessie who has had problems with anger since she was a kid. I'm quite interested in psychology and I think this was a good book to read since it includes my passion for both psychology and horror. It seems in this book Jessie has multiple voices inside her head; one a "angel", one a "devil". King has always interested me because his writing is so different. He uses so many words to describe one thing it's amazing. He can turn one thought into three paragraphs. This book is interesting but I would not recommend it for someone unless they are ready to try and understand a lot of the "boring" stuff that seems unimportant.
This book reminds me more of "The Shining" than any other of Kings books that I have read.