Friday, March 25, 2011

Dragon Champion

I just finished a book called Dragon Champion By E. E. Knight. The book starts with a fight between a scaleless dragon and it's red scaled brother. The reason this happens is because all male dragons fight for who gets to live in the nest whoever wins gets the nest with his mom. The dragon who becomes champion of the nest is named AuRon. AuRon is a very rare breed of dragon one reason is because he is a grey dragon and another is because his skin changes color depending on his environment. Also he doesn't make noise as he climbs because he doesn't have scales. AuRon grows and has to run because away because their nest is found by dwarves and elves who are dragon slayers created by the elemental powers that you find out about earlier in the book. AuRon gets captured soon after escaping the nest with his sister. Then as the book draws to a close AuRon is trying to find the dragons weakness. He finds it but has to kill hundreds of people to find his answer.

Betrayal By Arron Allston

This is a book based after the Star Wars movies, when Luke, Leia, and Han are all older and have kids. The Jedi Council has been reestablished and all is peaceful. Then Luke starts having dreams of a coming evil.

Jungle of the pygmies

I'm now reading the third book in one of Isabel Allende's series. I've only read the first 20 pages of the book but so far its been awesome with lots of hidden humor. From what I understand this trip they take in Africa is supposed to be completely harmless yet from what I know from the other books the characters have a certain knack for collecting trouble.

Friday, March 18, 2011


The knights of paladin have been kidnapped by the evil wizard Risto. A character named Bardon is on his sabbatical and he meets N'Rae who is looking for her lost brother.

Star wars The Jedi Academy Trilogy

seven years after the founding of the new republic, Princess Leia Organa Solo is Minister of state and has borne three jedi children-the twins, Jacen and Jaina, and baby Aniken. Han Solo is an officeial envoy for the new gocernment, traveling the galaxy on diplomatic missions. And Luke has been goven leave to seek out candidates for a Jedi academy that will to seek out candidates for a jedi academy that will not only herald a renaissance of the jedi knights but also provide future champions of the force to protect the new republic. yet the peaceful and benign reign of the republic is far from secure...... thought the empire was finally vanquished, remnants of the inperial forces are scattered throughout the galaxy. Die-hard loyalists, they're intent on waging a brutal guerrilla war against the new republic. Among the monst dangerous is imperial Admiral Daala, who has added the iltimate weapon to her fleet of star destroyers. More powerful than the death star, the sun crusher, a small ship, is capable of annihilating an entire solar system my triggering it's sun to super nova. To make matters worse, there are those from Han's bad old days still anxous to avenge the past. And, as Luke will soon discover, even the most promising jedi recruit can be unwisely tempted by the dark side of the force...

Eragon Inheritance Cycle Book 1

In the book Eragon by: Christopher Paolini a boy Eragon finds a blue stone which appears before him in an explosion of sound and heat while he is hunting. He takes the stone thinking that it will by his family meat for the winter (his family is poor). Little does hw know that it will bring him troubles beyond anything he ever imagined. Several days after finding the stone and trying to sell it, he gets awoken from his sleep by a loud peep. He can't figure out the source so he slowly falls back to sleep. But is abruptly torn to wakefulness by another loud peep. He figures out that it is the stone, then realizes that it is an egg. When it hatches he finds a dragon and later names it Saphira and they begin the long journey to kill the Raz'ac (they had killed his uncle). At the start of his journey he is joined by the storyteller Brom. As they travel Brom gets killed by the Raz'ac and Eragon keeps traveling and trying his best to protect the world from the evil king. In the end he joins a rebel group and ends fighting in a huge battle against Urgals, and kills the shade leading the army. In the process of killing the Shade he gets his back laid open by the Shade. He then gets a message from the elves telling him to go to their home land



In Betrayal, Jacen Solo starts drifting to the dark side of the force, and taking his apprentice Ben Skywalker with him. This book is the first in the Legacy of The Force series, its a great book but I think would be better if it was 1st person.

Misty of Chinteogue

Nobody could capture the phantom. She was the wildest mare on Assateage Island. They said the was like the wind, that the white "map" on her shoulders was her mark of freedom.

Paul and Maureen Beebe had their hearts set on owning her. They were itching to buy and tame her, and worked hard to earn the money she would cost. But the roundup men had tried to capture her and for two years she has escaped them........

Pony Penning Day holds a surprise for everyone, for Paul not only brings in the phantom, but her newborn colt as well. Can Paul and Maureen possibly earn enough money to but them both?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Books I Have Been Reading: GEB and Foundling

Hello ATA. It has been a long while since I posted here, but non-the-less, I felt like sharing a little. I cannot promise that I will be back to respond to comments, but we shall see.

Two books I have finish in the past months are: Godel, Escher, Bach (GEB) [Wikipedia] (by Douglas Hofstadter) and Foundling [Wikipedia] (by D. M. Cornish). While they are completely different (maybe the only similarities are they both were in English, and bound in soft cover), I would recommend both of them, but perhaps to different audiences.

The first, GEB, is a tomb of a book that talks about, primarily, the inter-connectivity of field of knowledge, such as Music and Math, or Genetics and Logical systems. It speaks primarily of communication, storage, and rigorous definition of knowledge. It was written in the 1970's, so his theories about computers are sometimes a bit dated, however, the way he approached the topic is still interesting. This intensely intellectual book is not for the faint of heart… I took me nearly eight month to finish (not that that was the only book that I was reading). I first heard of the book from Mr. Britch, who quite liked it, for good reason. The author does a fantastic job of connecting many fields of knowledge, in an understandable, interesting way.

The second book, Foundling, by D.M. Cornish, was a great book as well. This I would highly recommend it to those who like fantasy/sci-fi novels. The author's first book, Foundling takes place in a painstakingly detailed world, quite different from our own. (The world is populated by "monsters" and humans, who fight for land, with chemical "potives"… I cannot give it its due at all, my apologies for this attempt) The reality with which the world is constructed makes the book gripping in it self. If that was not enough, the tail that is woven intrigues the reader. I have now read the second book in the Trilogy, and am starting the third, and I remain quite enthralled. One slightly strange thing I notices was the feel that throughout the book something more was going to happen… and it never did. While the story is geared to the YA or J groups, adults would still enjoy it, but it might be a little scary for those of the younger disposition (but not that bad at all).

Thursday, March 3, 2011


It is a time of renewal, five years after the destruction of the Death Star and the defeat of Darth Vader and the empire. But with the war seemingly won, strains are beginning to show in the Rebel Alliance. New challenges to galactic peace have arisen, and Luke Skywalker hears a voice from his past, a voice with a warning. BEWARE THE DARK SIDE...