Monday, September 19, 2011

The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

The chronicles of narnia the magicians nephew

Here is your passport to a most extraordinary excursion into magical lands and enchanted happanings. If you've never been to narnia you can enter with any of the books


The lion the witch and the wardrobe,

Prince caspian,

The voyage of the dawn treader,

The silver chair,

The horse and his boy

The magicians nephew,

The last battle.


This book was good but not great,

It was kinda hard to understand sometimes,

But altogether a pretty good book

I recamend it

1 comment:

  1. What made it hard to understand? Was it the language? The amount of detail? Or something about the plot itself, perhaps it is a complicated plot?

    Do you think the difficulty in understanding it is what prevented it from being a great book? Or was it just something you weren't that interested in?

    Thanks for sharing Gordon, and I look forward to hearing more!


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