Friday, September 16, 2011

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Arthur Dent, mild mannered, out-to-lunch kind of guy, is plucked from Earth just before it is demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Towel in hand, he begins his journey through space and time with his rescuer Ford Prefect, a traveling researcher for the guide.


  1. The writing style of Douglas Adams is very interesting. He writes much like Stephen King. He tells the story, and then when something interesting or confusing occurs, he refers to other sources (usually the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy), explains the subject then gets back to the story. Stephen King sort of does the same thing, where he is telling the story then either flashback to a different part in time. This style can be over factual sometimes, but normally I don’t mind and usually I like it.

    I haven’t gotten too far in this book but I already like the plot, I knew I would before I even started. A peer of mine was reading the book before me and I had seen the movie so I knew I needed to read all the books. I’m a big fan of reading and writing humor, and this book definitely fits the bill for humor. Everything Adams writes is supposed to make the reader laugh. The sarcasm he puts into the story is incredible. I definitely would like to take some of his writing skills and, make them my own for my humor stories.

    So far I have not found anything in this book I can complain about, besides some of the words and grammar they use in it. Some words I really don’t understand because (not many) because they are not used in America. I had no clue what an Old Janx Spirit was but from context clues I figured out it was a sort of very potent alcohol. I find those words quite amusing so it all turns out O.K in the end and I don’t throw the book at a wall.

    I would highly recommend this book to my peers of my age group. If they enjoy humor that is.

  2. Sounds like an interesting book.

  3. Hunter, thank you for your exemplary posting! I like how you were able to break down what the author does to create his unique voice and then compare that to another author you're familiar with. Breaking down why we like a particular book is very difficult and you did a great job!

    Since you've seen the movie too that is a great opportunity to make some comparisons and contrasts.

    Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear more!

  4. This book is still very funny. The writing style is incredibly interesting. Adams narrate the book in third person then stop narrating the story and adds additional notes to the reader. There was one part when Adams told some parts that were about to happen. He noted they were supposed to be suspenseful then ruined it.

  5. Knowing what happened in the movie then finding out what really happened and how it really happens in the book is pretty funny. The way they change things in the movie to make them "more appealing". The movie showed princesses, the book has two government looking men. The movie has intergalactic portals the book has tunnels.

    I also found out that the series is based more around a different character more than the main character in this one. It seems that three out of the five are based mostly on a character named Zaphod Beeblebrox. I enjoyed reading about Arthur Dent but I have no doubts that Adams will make those books as good as this one.

    My favorite character just emerged. His name is Slartibartfast. He plays an interesting role in the book. His role was similar in the movie but it is so much better in the book. I learn so much more about him and his role. It makes him so much better.

  6. I have just finished this book. It was really a good book and people from my age group should definitely read it, if they enjoy humor. I have now started the second book. Restaurant at the end of the Universe.

    This Book has turned out to be incredibly different than the movies... or I should say the movie is incredibly different than the book. I think the book is so much better (the movie is still pretty funny though).

    One part I didn't like because it skipped around really fast and was somewhat important but not much was written about it. It kind of frustrated me but after reading it a few times it made a bit more sense.


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