Monday, September 17, 2012

In One Person

The book I'm reading now is "In One Person," by John Irving, who's written a lot of books I really like, including "Cider House Rules" and "The World According to Garp."  I like it so far, but it seems a lot like my favorite Irving book, "A Prayer for Owen Meany"; the setting and a number of the characters are very similar-- too similar for my taste, since I don't think any book can compare to "Owen Meany."  I hope I start seeing differences between the two novels, but I'll finish this one anyway even if I don't because I am enjoying the plot so far.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying this book more now than I did at the beginning because the events are different than those in Owen Meany. John Irving has a gift for presenting "average" people in a small Vermont town in such detail that we can see that none of them are really average at all... they all have their quirks.


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