Wednesday, March 14, 2012

farmer boy by: Laura ingalls wilder

Laura ingalls wilder was born in 1867 in a log cabin described in little house in the big woods. as her classic little house books tell us she and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. she and her husband almanzo wilder made thier own covered wagon trip with thier daughter rose,to Mansfield Missouri.  there Laura wrote her story in the little house books, and lived until she was 90 years old. for million of readers, however she lives forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved little house books.


  1. This is a great book. I read it when I was younger. Whats your favorite part in this story and what made you want to read it? What do you think about the characters in this story?

  2. i also love this book what do you think the purpose was?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My favorite part was when Mr. course scared away big bill Richie using an ox whip. I wanted to read because I looked at the title and the title looked interesting to read.

  5. Hmmm this is one of the only ones I have not read.(The last one I read was Little Town on the praire.)

  6. i think the purpose of this was to tell the story of almanzo (lauras husband)

  7. Do you like this book if so why?

  8. This is a great book! I read it when I was your age!!! Why do you like this book?

  9. This is a great book! I read it when I was your age!!! Why do you like this book?

  10. i like this book because it is an exciting book and I've read it when i was younger, surprising i could not read it but it was entertaining of what i was able to read.

  11. I love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, but cannot remember whether I read this one or not, to be fair it was quite a few years ago that I read any of them.

    What I really liked about the series was imagining living back then. Even though it was difficult Laura and her family always had such optimism and fun times. She made the simple things in life seem lovely. I recall thinking how fun it would be to eat snow with molasses after reading it in one of the books.

    What is it that draws you into the story? Is it the characters or action? When I read series I feel like I get to know the characters and I want to know what happens to them.


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