Friday, April 17, 2015

A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Library Journal calls Howard Zinn’s iconic A People's History of the United States “a brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those…whose plight has been largely omitted from most histories.” Packed with vivid details and telling quotations, Zinn’s award-winning classic continues to revolutionize the way American history is taught and remembered. Frequent appearances in popular media such as The Sopranos, The Simpsons, Good Will Hunting, and the History Channel documentary The People Speak testify to Zinn’s ability to bridge the generation gap with enduring insights into the birth, development, and destiny of the nation.


  1. I love this book. It is a in-depth and comprehensive view of the history of america from a clear and understanding point of view. Zinn's book, while informative, is interesting and well written.

  2. I thought that you have read this book before? If so are your thoughts about it different then they were the first time?

    1. I had read the children's edition previously, and while it is still very informative, and the pictures were nice, much of the information was removed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This sounds interesting. Is it written as history or as a story?


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