Friday, September 5, 2014

Escape from Zobadak by Brad Gallagher

It could be dangerous in there.

Probably not a good place for kids.

But the adults aren't listening-and even if they were, they would never believe it.


  1. Yes, this is a re-read but, it's amazing how when you read it the first time then come back to it, how much you love the book. When i finished the book I thought it was just another book that i liked, but when i came back to it i realized how much I loved seeing Sophie and Chris again.

    1. By reading it once more, have you found that you are understanding things you may have missed the first time? Why do you love the book so much?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't believe I have ever re-read a book, is it something you would recommend?

  4. this book looks interesting, what do you like about the book?

    1. The characters, the plot, the way the book was written, pretty much everything.

  5. As much as I love the book...i don't feel like reading it anymore so, my new book is, Gone-Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright


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