Thursday, September 5, 2013

The BlackFoot Trail

The BlackFoot Trail by Charles G. West is a historical novel. Despite his apathy towards white folks, mountain man Joe Fox reluctantly agrees to lead a group of settlers through the Rockies to Oregon. Taken aback by their appreciation, he soon finds himself enjoying their company- especially the attentions of young Callie Simmons. That is, until her parents warn Joe to keep his distance.

But they should have worried about Max Starbeau. A wolf in Sheeps clothing, he travels with the party until the opportunity arises to steal and murder- and then to kidnap Callie for good measure. When the settlers find themselves unable to track Starbeau, the once again turn top Joe Fox- who owes them nothing but will do anything for Callie.


  1. I really enjoy this book so far, even though I just started it yesterday and still have not gotten very far. The way the author describes the scenery, and has the characters speak, make it seem more realistic and fun to read.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, Matilda! This sounds good; I love historical fiction. I think of it as painless history lessons ;). What did you read over the summer that you liked?


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