Friday, May 24, 2013

Little House in the Big Woods by: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wolves and panthers and bears roamed the deep Wisconsin woods in the 1860's. Still, Laura Ingalls' father preferred to live miles away from the nearest neighbors so Pa built a snug cabin for Ma, Laura, Mary and Baby Carrie. He hunted and trapped and farmed. Ma made her own cheese and sugar. All night long, the wind howled lonesomely, but Pa played his fiddle and sang, keeping the family safe and sound.

This is an extraordinary book to me. It seems fun to live with Laura, Ma, Pa, Mary and Baby Carrie. It seems like they had a feast back then. Did they have more than us? Or is it the way that Laura wrote the book?

1 comment:

  1. Would you have preferred to live back in the time period they lived in? Why is it that it seemed more fun, was it because of the games they played, their school, or anything else?


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