Friday, February 5, 2016

Ender's Shadow By Orson Scott Card

Andres "Ender" Wiggin was not the only child in the Battle School; he was just hte best of the best. Here is the story of another of those precocious generals, the one they called Bean-the one who became Ender's right hand, his strategist, and his friend.

Beans's past was a battle just to survive on the streets of Rotterdam. He was a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else's. Bean's desperate struggle, and his remarkable success, brought him to the attention of the battle School's recruiters, those people scouring the planet for leaders, tacticians, and generals to save Earth from the threat of alien invasion. Bean was sent to orbit, to the Battle School. And there he met Ender...


  1. I just started this book when i finished Ender's game. I think it will be interesting to see the games and the war through a different perspective. Although i already know the main story, i'm sure that there will be plenty of new story and background about Beans life.

  2. I've gotten a bit into the book and it's definitely interesting. Bean's life before battle school was very intense, and difficult.

  3. What are the similarities in Bean's and Ender's life that may have led them to converge at battle school, and become friends?

  4. Having read Ender's Game, who do you think is a better protagonist? Who do you think is more relatable?

  5. Due to the hasty reading of The Giver in the past week I have not been able to read this lately.

  6. -Gordon,
    I would say that they both grew up in similar situations, though in different environments.
    Both of them were very frail children, having to defend themselves from a threat. In Beans case it was starvation and larger kids living on the street. In Enders it was a psychopathic older brother, and bullies at school.

  7. Who do you find more interesting as an antagonist for the beginning chapters, Peter or Achilles? Do you like the similarities between Ender and Bean's childhoods?

  8. -Ari,
    Having only read the small amount of this book. I would have to go with Ender, he is much more relatable to me personally, because i didn't grow up homeless on the streets.

  9. I have not gotten to the point it introduces Achilles yet but i'm sure it will me interesting to compare them.

  10. I have not gotten to the point it introduces Achilles yet but i'm sure it will me interesting to compare them.

  11. From all the reading I have done over break I have been able to see some similarities between the two books. However its not all stuff that I have read before in the other book, if it was the case it would not be a very interesting story.

  12. I'm really enjoying the book right now. I feel like i'm going through it so fast that i'm having to stop myself and slow down.

  13. Do you feel that if you move too fast through the book you'll miss important facts or details? Do you feel that the structure of the book is challenging, or that it's too easy to move through and you would consider as "light" reading? Do you feel that there is a more complex moral underneath the story presented, or that the book get's straight to the point about what the author wanted to tell you?

  14. I feel while reading it quickly I wont miss any if not just a small amount of important info because i'm already used to the authors writing style and word choice. I don't try to get all held up on trying to find hidden meaning in books so i'm not sure if there is any in this book.

  15. I Just finished the book a few days a ago, i think the author did really well with making the same story just from another perspective, and still be as entertaining as enders game.

  16. Do you feel the book is formulaic in that the character responds the same as the previous or that the author created "new" material while still following a plot line that was already created?


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