Friday, December 11, 2015

Voodoo child HC; The illustrated legend of Jimi Hendrix By Martin I. Green

This is a graphic docudrama, an account in comic-strip format of the turbulent life of rock star Jimi Hendrix. Like a cinematic docudrama, it hews to the events of Hendrix's career but creates dialogue and uses various devices--notably, snippets of Hendrix's lyrics as commentary on the action at appropriate moments--to heighten the drama of the guitarist's colorful life. Unfortunately, the events themselves are overly familar to most rock fans, and their treatment here generally falls into rock-star cliches. The banality of much of the imagined dialogue, which frequently lapses into sixties-speak ("Far out," "Dig it man" ), doesn't help. The project is saved, however, because it marks the return to comics of one of the medium's most innovative artists, Bill Sienkiewicz, who's been largely absent from the field for several years. His imaginative, evocative full-color illustrations and narrative mastery supply much-needed substance that turns a rock-bio-in-comics into a genuinely compelling package. Hendrix fans especially will also appreciate the accompanying 30-minute CD of previously unreleased home recordings. Gordon Flagg


  1. I love this book because its about music and it shows how hard Jimi Hendrix had to work to get to be very good. it was even harder for him because he was African american. At first it was hard to live off the profits because he started to get 2-3 dollars per gig. When his dad died it made his music career go down hill a little bit but wouldn't you if you had that same amount of attachment.

  2. Jimi Hendrix is considered by many as being one of the greatest guitar players to have ever lived, how do you think his life and this book characterizes that fame?

  3. Damien your pice is relly good I like how you exsprest you filings you can tell you like it.

  4. He can play the guitar with his teeth. He played the guitar up side down. he practiced all the time and when he jumped out of a helicopter he broke is ankle he could practice more. when he was in the army he played to.

  5. That's incredible, have you been learning that from this book?

  6. do you feel connected to this person and why?

  7. Yes i learned it from this book. I kind of do feel connected to him because i want to try to play good just as much as he did when he started out.


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