Friday, May 29, 2015

The Tiger in The Well by Phillip Pullman

Unlike most Victorian women, Sally is completely independent, with her own successful business and a comfortable home for her young daughter, Harriet. But Sally’s whole world is about to collapse. A stranger emerges, claiming to be both her husband and Harriet’s father and threatening all that she has.


  1. In this next book, Pullman starts dishing out strange and unnatural creatures/concepts that are supernatural but totally believable with regards to the plot. While the first two books were mostly within the confines of the middle-class, this one really gives an understanding of the majority of the London population in the 1800s, the poor. Also, The Tiger in the Well really emphasizes the limited power of women I this time period. It also requires a good background of history and immigration into England in the 1800s.

  2. Is this book in the same series as the ruby in the smoke book that i saw you reading earlier? Is there anything specific that you enjoy about the writers style? (if you do like it).

  3. This is the third book in the series, the second being Shadow in the North. There is also a fourth, The Tin Princess. I do really like the books, the way the author gives fleeting perspectives on several characters heightens the mysterious plot at hand. Also, his description and attention to important detail are on point. A quicker read than a Game of Thrones, Keagan, but it holds many similarities to that amazing series. I would seriously recommend it.


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