Friday, December 14, 2012

Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

While Laura Ingalls grows up in a little house on the western prairie, Almanzo Wilder is living on a big farm in New York State, where he and his brother and sisters work at their chores from dawn to dinner most days-no matter what the weather. There is still time fro fun, though, especially with horses, witch Almanzo loves more than anything.

I like this book because it has great detail and I just can't put the book down! I think Laura did an excellent job writing this book.


  1. Kahla,

    I hadn't heard of this book, although I like the others by Wilder and I love horses. I'm glad you like it so much. Can you give some examples of her description of how Almanzo feels about the horses?


  2. Almanzo's father does not want Almanzo around the 3 month old colts so when Almanzo gets a chance he will go to the colts rub his hand on their "velvety noses" and walks away. You can tell that he likes the horses. Almanzo will ALWAYS go unhitch the horses when company came or when his father and mother came back. There was only one time that Almanzo didn't come to unhitch the horses. When he accidentally got black ink all over the parlor. But Eliza Jane his sister patched the wall where the ink had landed.


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