Friday, October 26, 2012

Once again, the earth in under attack. Aliens "buggers" are poised for a final assault  The survival of the humans species depends on a military genius who can defeat the buggers.


  1. Hi, Jonah-

    What is the title of this book? Is it the same one you were reading? I'm still getting used to this format, too-- apparently we're supposed to post everything after the first entry as "Comments" under the first one. If this is a different book, just write the title first, so it shows up on the list on the left of the page.


  2. This is Ender's game by Orson Scott Card. I think. After having read such a number of his books, they really start to blend together. Plus, it's not much to go on. I think Card's writing style is wonderful, and I would recommend his books to anyone. Well, anyone within reason. Sometimes the books get a little violent, so this may not be appropriate for young readers. They are all also heavy in philosophy, so be warned.

  3. thats awesome jonah man do you think i can read that book and whats the title of the book??

    1. ... I would suggest you read every post here as the name of the book has been posted already.


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