Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The book I am reading is called Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. This girl is outcast because throughout her summer she sat her fat butt down on the couch in front on cartoons all day and never went to the beach to make some friends or buy new clothes. She has no one to sit with at the lunch table. She is a high school girl, with no friends. She met this one girl named Heather. They are friends. So she kind of has one friend.


  1. Sabrina,

    Sounds like you're not too fond of the girl, the way you describe her sitting on her fat butt all day. I can imagine you, who have no trouble making new friends, having little sympathy for her. Do you think she is just throwing a fit or complaining too much?

  2. This sounds like a very interesting book *cough *cough. Is there anything more to the plot than just her fat butt sitting on the couch.


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