Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Walden Two

Walden Two is about a modern utopia where kids work for labor and
learning how to do work when they get older. It seems scary to me
that they’re doing this. They might get hurt like working in the
factories. They mostly do what they can do. They also have
classwork. They don’t get hard jobs. They’re mostly planting flowers
and cleaning rooms and things like that. They only work at age seven;
below those ages, they don’t work. Also, at age seven, they get to
eat at the cafeteria, where below those ages they have to eat in their
own rooms. It’s mandatory because they want them to be safe. It’s a
growing procedure for them. They can learn to grow up and be
responsible after that.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen,

    If the kids are doing easy, non-dangerous jobs, like planting flowers and cleaning rooms, why does it scare you? Doesn't it seem helpful to teach a kid to have duties and responsibilities? And why did they choose age seven? What's special about that age?


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