Wednesday, February 10, 2010

IT by Stephen King


  1. Right now in IT the main characters are coming back to the town of Derry to try and kill the monster. I was confused at first because usually adults cannot see the IT monster thingy-ma-jig, but the people that used to be kids in Derry can see IT (I think)

  2. Hunter,

    Sounds like the book is interesting again. If the people who used to be kids are now adults, then this story must take a long time. Who are you rooting for, the people or the monster?


  3. It's kind of interesting because now I'm reading about the adults child hood "bully". He was accused of murdering people (even though the clown did, but the police don't know that)and put in an insane asylum. Now the monster has found him and is pretending to be his friend. So now he is being taken to kill the main characters. YAY!!!

  4. This book has moderately high diction. Example "Perhaps it was simply the dimness of the room that had caused the illusion, which lasted for only the briefest moment, but Bill wondered later if it wasn't some sort of message meant strictly for him: that fate could also be kind". It's not the best example but it was okay. This book is an "adult book" and pretty hard to understand most of the time.

  5. Hunter,

    This must be a good book if it's difficult to read and you're still engrossed in it. Is it scary at all, or just graphic and disgusting? I notice there's some tension. You want the kids to defeat the monster, but you also like it when the monster makes it difficult for them, such as when he controls the bully character. What do you think will happen in the end? What would be a satisfying conclusion?

  6. IT's not not scary. I think that IT's going to end with them killing the monster, with also a few of them dyeing.

  7. Hunter,

    When you say the book is not not scary, do you mean it is scary, or are you trying to emphasize how much it isn't scary? Who do you think will die? Who would you like to be killed?

  8. Actually when I said "not not" that was a total typo. I think Bill Denbrough will die and also Eddie Kasbarack. The person I would like to die is Henry Bowers. Hes a loony that was the peoples childhood bully. Anyway for some reason IT has gone back in time and is now telling about the adults childhood (again).

  9. Hunter,

    Why do you think the book keeps switching time periods? What does this do to you as the reader? For example, does it confuse you, or does it keep you interested? In the book I'm reading, the change in time keeps the story from being too tedious.
    Also, I bet the bully will be killed somehow. Sounds like he's being set up for it.


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