Friday, May 26, 2017

Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce

Book 3 of the Immortal's series

When Daine is sent to Carthak as part of a Tortallan peace delegation, she finds herself in the middle of a sticky political situation. She doesn't like the Carthaki practice of keeping slaves, but it's not her place to say anything-she's only there to heal the emperor's birds. Her worries only expand once she learns that her own power has grown in a dark and mysterious ways.

As the peace talks stall, Daine puzzles over Carthak's two-faced Emperor Ozorne. How can he be so caring with his birds and so cruel to his people? Daine is sure he's planning something-a terrible, power-hungry scheme. And she knows that she must fight this powerful Emperor Mage; the life of her beloved teacher is at risk.


  1. I'm only on page 11 but I feel like this has no connection to the wolf-speaker ending at all. It kind of bugs me because I'm used to thinking that books in a series are more dependent on the book before it. Like the second book is a continuation of the first book while the third book is a continuation of the second book. This...seems totally different. Maybe there is a connection that I don't see but these books are linked by the characters. I'm not sure how I feel about it.

    It also feels like these happened in a single summer, for example. Not spread out over a few years or something. Again, I could just be missing details but I think that a regular person, magical or not, would get completely overwhelmed by three books happening in a course of a few months. It would make a strange twist, having a character completely fall apart by the end of the last book.

  2. In this book, the story feels rather dull. So far, nothing particularly interesting has happened. Yeah, sure, the rug coming to life was odd but it was "spectacular" or anything. I'm sure it would have been more special had I understood what was happening. That entire section happened too quickly and it was just overwhelming for me. Thankfully, I understood at least she can make rugs move which I really hope will be farther into the books since I like the idea of her making really dead things living again.


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