Thursday, February 27, 2014

Question about your records as a reader

Dear Once (and Future?) Students,

I’m curious about your use of the reading record.  Are you using it?  Did you ever use it (I know some of you were supposed to)?  If you can answer yes to either question, I want to know how it worked for you as a reader (I’m not interested in how much it satisfied your teachers).  Is it useful or interesting to keep track of the books you read?  Do you use all the columns?  Any information you want to add or delete?

I’m asking this because, recently, my local library asked for submissions of favorite books from 2013.  I couldn’t remember all the books I enjoyed from last year, much less all the books I read.  Recently, I’ve been consuming books for distraction, and I don’t remember them much later.  Wanting to change that, I pulled out the reading record and have tried to keep track.

While I’m using it, I find I want to tweak it a bit (Tweak!  Not twerk.)  Maybe add a few words to help me recall the plot or a few words about why I abandoned a book.  Maybe cut the genre column, especially since most fiction not aimed at teens doesn’t really have a distinct genre (ANOTHER naturalistic, depressing coming-of-age/critique of post-modern social values).  Have any of you taken steps to make it work for you?  Ever wanted to?  Let me know what it does for you to keep track of your books.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Josiah, I do not believe we have met because I am a relatively new student but I am glad I can relate to your experiences with the reading record. I find myself using the reading record to outline how my reading genres have changed over the weeks and years. Given that I mostly read fantasy, It is easy to pin-point other genres that I have read and make patterns of when I read them. Much like you, I also use it to keep track of the books I have read and visualize the evolution of my interest in literature.


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