Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Unseen By Joseph Citro

On the most rugged mountains, int the deepest woods of Vermont, they say nothing human lives...
   Butin the dorkest shadows, something huge, something feral has been waiting. Watchung. Protecting the land. Guarding against intruders. Now,as it emerges from the forests, the time for waiting is over. And all the old backwood legends, all the old sleep-shattering nightmares will suddenly become as terrifying and as real as death itself.


  1. I have just started to read this book, and this is my first time reading a book from this author. This book so far is a very good book, the writers style is vary appealing. This book was recommended to me by Noah, This writer is from Vermont and he writes this story in Vermont, which is cool!

  2. I really liked this book myself. The wrighdting style is indepth and complex. What is your favorite part of the book?

  3. So this is a story about Vermont? Is it or could it become reality or is it non-fiction? Sounds rather scary to be honest.

  4. The book is Fiction, but the story that it is based on is a real Vermont Folklore story, of a creature that lives in the woods.
    This book is not very scary book. So far the part I like the most it the part with the old Vermont farmer at UVM.

  5. This book is good, and I recommend this book to any one who likes a well written piece. This book it not to scary, but I am not one to easily be scared.

  6. Well, I am one to be scared. I may try it...

  7. Kurt, have you heard of Archer Mayor and Howard Frank Mosher? They're also Vermont writers you might enjoy. I think Citro has written a number of mysteries set in Vermont, hasn't he? Do you think you'd read another one of his?


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