Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Castle of Llyr by Lloyd Alexander

In the imaginary kingdom of Prydain, Princess Eilonwy must leave her friends to go to the Isle of Mona for training as a proper princess. Because Eilonwy has magical powers, she is sought by Achren, the most evil enchantress in the land. Shortly after her arrival on the Isle of Mona, something sinister and secret befalls her. Eilonwy's loyal friends--Taran, the Assistant Pig-Keeper; Flewddur, the bard; and Prince Rhun, her intended husband--realize her peril and set out on an exciting and terrifying mission to rescue her. They encounter great forces of evil as well as private--sometimes painful--revelations in the course of their journey.


  1. Using thorough detailing, and intense action, Lloyd Alexander really sets the stage for fantasy writers. One thing i like about Lloyd Alexander is that he hints at the next book in the previous one. He also has great imagination in his work.

    These are great books are for youth readers that want an easy read but still have the opportunity to learn a larger vocabulary.

  2. who do you like? why is is so exciting

  3. Does this book remind you of anything else you have read before? The plot line sound really interesting, however do you think it is the plot line or the characters that make it enjoyable to read?

  4. Gordon, you're making me want to read this author-- which is quite a feat, since you know I'm not crazy about fantasy! Can you give us an example of his use of imagination?

  5. Missy, Lloyd Alexander has so many great ideas to pull the reader in. Whith every triumph there is a catch, and with every defeat, there is always a way out!

  6. Ok... I'm still not quite there yet... can you post a short passage and tell me why you like it? ;)

  7. what made you decide to pull this series off of the shelf? was it the title, or the cover of the first book that intrigued you?


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