Friday, April 12, 2013

The False Prince

In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king's long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that his life balances on a sword's point -- he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage's rivals have their own agendas as well.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This novel is a brilliantly executed book with a humble beginning and a starkly different end. This Authors style, plot, and setting collide with vivid description and amazing characters to produce a great book. For example some of the settings relate to real places with little tweaks to there medieval history and names. The plot is filled with mystery and decete while the style and description make it all the better.

  3. Noah, it sounds great; your post really explains why you like it.

  4. Would you recommend this book to fantasy book lovers?


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