Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tamer By Mal Peet

In the "Hunger Winter" of 1944, two undercover operatives parachute into Nazi-occupied Holland. They are spies of the Allied forces, sent to provide support for the Dutch resistance movement.

Half a century later, a fifteen-year-old girl named Tamar inherits a box from her grandfather containing a series of clues and coded messages. out of the past, another Tamar emerges--a man involved in the terrifying world of resistance fighter-- and she is his namesake. His is a complex one of passionate love,jealousy, and tragedy set against the daily fear and casual horror of the Second World War. Unraveling it will transform Tamer's life.


  1. This book cleverly ties the war of the forties and the world today. It switches back and forth between the two eras. Every time it switches it makes you feel like you are starting a whole new book. It also is very informative even though it is a novel.

  2. I am really liking this book, Tamar. You really get to know the characters like friends, and watch them live out their lives. At first, the switching between time periods is a little confusing, but after a while you really too like it, it gives two perspectives of the story. On one front, it gives the riddle, on the other, it gives you the answer.

  3. It sounds like a good book, Gordon. What have you learned about WWII?

  4. I have learned mainly about the struggles in Holland and the suffering of the two sides of the battle. About the excitement of reinforcements, and the joy of a half a loaf of bread. I learned that there weren't just ground soldiers and pilots, but spying, espionage, and trust.

  5. As the war comes to a close, the small group of rebels in Holland are still in miserable conditions. It is still a war to them, as constant German presence lingers over their heads. However, it has become a daily routine, the characters in this book are doing everything possible to keep their minds sane, and thwart the German regime.


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