Friday, November 2, 2012

Serpent's Shawdow by Rick Riordan

I almost done with the book but a lot is happening.Carter, Sadie and there dad hoped on a boat and started paddeling away from the Serpent. Suddenly they found themselvs in the middle of danger. They saw the Serpent's Shadow. It was right in front of them.


  1. Carter is a lot like me because we both know a lot about egypt and by egypt i mean Myths, Pyramids, Mummys, and storys about egypt. I know a lot about egypt i like leaning about egypt and i have been leaning things abot egypt for as long as i can remember.

  2. This sounds like a great book. Do you like it so far? Do you have a favorite part? If so why? Do you have a favorite character? Is it carter? If you have a favorite character why do you like he or she?

  3. I finished Serpent's shadow my Rickj Riodan. It was a very good book and i really liked the series. This book had a lot of evil gods in it: Nut, The sky god, Orsiris, The god of tyhe Underworld, husband of Isis and father of Horus:Ra TThe sun god, The god of order: Sekhmet The lion goddess: Serqet, the scorpion goddess: Set, god of evil: Shu, The air god, great grandfather od Anubis: Sobek, the crocadile god: Tawaret, The hippo goddess Thoth, The God of knowlendge. I really like the evil gods in these books because i think it's entertaini9ng to read about what evil is doing and what evil wants.

  4. My favorite charecter is Carter your right! Why i like him? Well i like him because he is a lot like me we like Egypt as in Myths, Gods stuff like that. And we both like adventures. I also did really like the book.

  5. Do you have a favorite god? Or do you just like these gods and not have a favorite one? What are they like? Do you like what they all do? Does one of their actions make you mad, sad, happy, excited? Do they make you feel like you've accomplished something (which you have? Have you liked how they felt?

  6. My favortite is Set the god of evil. Why i like him well he's just so evil! (figurs) Evil is fun to read about.


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