Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Am The Cheese by Robert Cormier


  1. This book is one that Josiah is making me read (I'm not saying it's a bad book). I know I'm not usually supposed to do this but it's not going to ruin the book so.... This is a book about a boy (I think his name is Adam) who is looking for his father. It's a mystery book so it's a little bit different than what I usually read. I like how this story is based in a certain state (I'm not going to say which one).

  2. Hunter,

    I picked this book for you because I thought you might enjoy the mystery of it, or the way it's sort of like a puzzle. What do you think the title means?
    Also, how do you like the way it's narrated? Is it different from _Jaws_ or _IT_? How does the narration affect your understanding of the main character?

  3. Why is it called "I Am The Cheese"?

  4. I have no clue at all why it is called that. I think it is an extremely weird name and not something you would want to call your self.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hunter,

    What is the mystery so far? I bet this book is a lot more straightforward than _IT_. Do you like it as much?


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