Monday, October 6, 2008

Game at school

Would somebody tell me about the game that the twins were talking about? I am confused.


  1. The game would be a real time strategy game (like Age of Empires) but the game-play elements will be more like Medevil 2: Total War crossed with Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and a logic/investigative game like the Myst games, but all in real-time (if you have not seen the games I referenced I can show you all but Myst which I have yet to install on my computer). Another point of the game is that it will be entirely non-fiction, and as realistic of an environment as the standard computer can handle at the time of game development.

  2. I hope you have copyrighted or patented or whatever you need to do to "protect your intellectual rights"! I heard somewhere that if you put it all in an envelope and snail mail it to yourself, that is a legal form of copyright documentation. Maybe a little research on how that should be done would be in order. Also, once you have done that, share it with some programmers/gamers (Laura Napoli & David Vanslette come to mind) for their feedback.

  3. I agree with what Amanda suggested. I also would be interested in seeing these games. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Are you guys going to try to program an educational game?

  4. Thank you all for telling me. I have some more questions about the game. 1. what would you be controling? 2. where would you be? 3. how would you make it?


  5. Answers to these questions would lead too deeply into the heart of our ideas, and so will be shared on an individual level. Anyone in our group may feel free to ask either Alex or myself, and we might share more, and will share what we can.


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