Friday, October 2, 2015

merlin book of magick and enchantment

this book is a very old book because it sounds like (thy drow his sword from thys waist). this book has spells, enchantment and merlins live story of magick. this book discribles his life of demons and just unexplainable detail.when I am done with this book you should read it too.


  1. Replies
    1. Jamison you said the same thing, you to damin, or is it damein?

  2. do you like it. is it interesting. what is happening. it sounds interesting by the stuff from the back of the book.

  3. do you like it. is it interesting. what is happening. it sounds interesting by the stuff from the back of the book.

    1. ya, its not from the back of the book it from my mind and what I think of it. the back of the book will be don't next week.


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