Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

An orphan who endures a harsh childhood, Jane Eyre becomes governess at Thornfield Hall in the employment of the mysterious Mr Rochester.


  1. This book is very slow, with a lot of detail. However, after you get past all the un-needed facts and description, it is actually an O.K. book. I was kind of unsure of it when I started it, but I have come to like Jane, she is a sweet strong willed girl from what I have read and is a very interesting character to read about.

  2. Dear Alexis,

    Did I jump the gun? I didn't think you liked this novel all that much. If you want to stick with it to the end, please do, and put off reading The Color Purple. If you just wrote this to be polite ;), then no worries. Please let me know which one you're going to continue with.


    1. Yeah, I guess I kind of did like the characters in the book, but it was a snoozefest to read all of the other uneeded pages, and it did get confusing. haha. I like the book I am reading now, much better. :)


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