Friday, May 18, 2012

Sword of Shannera by:Terry Brooks

This book is about two young boys an old man a dwarf and many other mystical creatures. When the two young boys go on an adventure to find the sword of shannera Shea the youngest of the brothers/young boys meets the old man named allonahn he finds out about the sword of shannera.


  1. So this story is about the boys or its about a sword? How do you like this book and do you usually like reading fantasy? Why?

  2. sorry but this does not make sense can you reiderate

  3. So is Shea the main character? What is the conflict in this story?

  4. What is the conflict in this book? I understand the general outline about the components but I don't actually understand what to expect what I am going to get out of this book If I actually read it. When you are making a post it might be easier for people to comment if you also include the contents on the back or front cover of the book as well as other things that you think you should include like how you liked the book, the writing style, look at other posts to see how others do it.

  5. This story is about the boys and the sword. I usually read fantasy most of the time. Shea is the main character,yes and the conflict in the story is when most people die and when Shea almost dies


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