Thursday, February 7, 2013

Secret Soldiers by Philip Gerard

They were Eisenhower's secret weapon-an elite troupe of 1,100 artists, actors, electronic wizards, designers, and writers drawn from the New York art world and colleges like the University of Chicago  These men created dazzling theatrical battlefield ruses, fooling the German High command into attacking the wrong place, defending the wrong bridgehead, even retreating from phantom attackers conjured by radio scripts, sound effects, a handful of convincing actors, and inflatable armored divisions. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. helped pioneer the tactics of this unlikely band of heroes, which included future fashion king Bill Blass, abstract painter Ellsworth Kelly, and artist Hal Laynor. Drawing on recently declassified records, interview, diaries, and letters.


  1. I have not yet started reading this book but from what Noah said it sounds good.

  2. I am half way through reading the intro. It is proving to be a good book so far, there has not been any action but the information so far is really good. The book is written from letters, journals, and declassified government papers. So I am not quite sure if this book is going to be action packed, but it is turning into a vary interesting piece of literature.

  3. I have just started to read the actual story. I don't have a opinion on the way it is written yet, but I have to say the story gets more and more interesting.

  4. I have not read any further in this book, but at this point the characters are on their way to some where in a boat, They do not know where they are going.

  5. Kurt, this sounds like a fascinating book. Have you gotten any further into it?


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