Friday, September 16, 2011

Tails of Ancient Greece

Tales of Ancient Greece by Cnid Blyton is about tales of ancient Greece. (As you may have assumed) I love this book because of how the author retold these story's making it flow easily, and an easy read. The way he describes the characters (gods, nymphs,people, ext.) makes them identifiable and original in their own way.
Some of my favorite tales that are contained in the book are; Phaeton and the sun horses, Proserpina and the king of the underworld, and the story of Cupid and Psyche.
I love these story's because of the life lessons that are demonstrated in these, and the romance in the last two stories listed. Proserpina was captured by the king, and wants to escape. But will she be able to ever leave the underworld? And Phaeton filled with so much pride decides to prove to his friends that he really is the sun of a god. But will he die for doing so? And Psyche has fallen in love with Cupid, god of love. But what happens when she finds out who he really is?
All of these questions will be answered, and many more. Many of these characters in this book are to prideful, or to vain. Their consequences would later on prove to affect the world for ever. Each story is fairly short, but just long enough to grab the readers attention. I recommend reading this book if you are in the mood for romance, death, and gods.


  1. What is it about those tales you named that make them your favorites?

    What does the author do that makes these stories such an easy read? (Greek mythology can often be dense and wordy). How are they identifiable? Can you see people you know, or yourself, in their descriptions?

    Sounds like a great book, and knowing mythology is always important because so much literature makes allusions to it.

    Thanks for sharing, I look forward to hearing more!

  2. This book sounds like it has a lot in it? Does it keep your interest easily? And what genre what you consider it to be?


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