Thursday, January 14, 2016

the mystery of the moaning cave by William arden

Many years ago, the young bandit El Diablo disappeared into a cave, never to be seen again. Now an eerie moaning sound is coming from his old hideout, and the ranchers who live nearby think he may still be alive.


  1. I like this book so far and cant what to actually get into the mystery myself.

  2. Does the book give good description of the characters? Is there any detail at all? Why do you like it? Do you dislike it any ways? Um...what way is the book written? It's kind of hard to explain, but, is it written like a comic, a diary, or something else?

  3. the charectars are not discribled at all and there is little detail. this makes me fell like this book is tarible for the first 5 chaptars (:(

  4. the charectars are not discribled at all and there is little detail. this makes me fell like this book is tarible for the first 5 chaptars (:(

  5. Why would the book be terrible for the first five chapters? Because it doesn't disclose character detail in a blatant manner, or because the plot development is slow? Your first post states that you can't wait to get into the mystery, but half an hour later you aren't happy with the book. Why does the book make you change opinions so quickly?

  6. im almost done this book and its a little confusing + adicting

  7. the characters are in the cave and they found el deablos skeleton and theres people inside running around and theres navy frogman around as well.

  8. Are the characters human, or are they other creatures with human-like characteristics (anthropomorphic)?


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