Friday, March 18, 2011

Star wars The Jedi Academy Trilogy

seven years after the founding of the new republic, Princess Leia Organa Solo is Minister of state and has borne three jedi children-the twins, Jacen and Jaina, and baby Aniken. Han Solo is an officeial envoy for the new gocernment, traveling the galaxy on diplomatic missions. And Luke has been goven leave to seek out candidates for a Jedi academy that will to seek out candidates for a jedi academy that will not only herald a renaissance of the jedi knights but also provide future champions of the force to protect the new republic. yet the peaceful and benign reign of the republic is far from secure...... thought the empire was finally vanquished, remnants of the inperial forces are scattered throughout the galaxy. Die-hard loyalists, they're intent on waging a brutal guerrilla war against the new republic. Among the monst dangerous is imperial Admiral Daala, who has added the iltimate weapon to her fleet of star destroyers. More powerful than the death star, the sun crusher, a small ship, is capable of annihilating an entire solar system my triggering it's sun to super nova. To make matters worse, there are those from Han's bad old days still anxous to avenge the past. And, as Luke will soon discover, even the most promising jedi recruit can be unwisely tempted by the dark side of the force...


  1. Didn't Luke Skywalker turn into Darth Vader? Is this after that happened?

  2. No he did not it was Anikan skywalker

  3. Luke was the reborn emperor's apprentice for a while but he killed the emperor in a duel destroyed all the other clones.

  4. Han solo had to crash land on Kessell
    because theye were people shooting him down in Tie fighters and x-wings
    and they sent a seach crew for survivors then Han got captured by
    somebody named Sknxnex That was working for Moruth Doole.

  5. Has anything unusual or exciting happened in the plot of your book since the last time you posted?

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  8. In the part of the book I am in Lando,3PO and R2 are at a umgulian blob race trying to find someone Dack Tymmo.

  9. Where is the giant weapon now?

  10. yes Han solo got captured and brought to the spice mines in Kessel.

  11. A big ship with very powerful weapons.

  12. lando Is comeing back from umgul going to corusant to meet leia .

  13. How far are you in this book??


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